
Bird News Thursday 28th December

Circa 100 Waxwings were at the sub-station at Ballycarry Bridge at 10:30 (Kevin Kirkham). About 15 - 20 birds were present between 2 - 3pm (Philip West / Chris Murphy/ Niall Mulvenna)

The Long-tailed Duck was still at Steamboat Quay, the Quoile, at 1:45 (Timothy Davis)

At least one Twite at Whitehead Boatyard (Chris Murphy)

Three Great White Egret were still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve.

The Spotted Redshank was in Dundrum South Inner Bay. Two Dark-bellied Brent (adult and juvenile, but not together) were feeding in fields around the bay, with the Brent flock. (David Nixon)

The juvenile Great Northern Diver remains in Portrush Harbour. (Aaron Long)

Waxwing, Ballycarry, Niall Mulvenna:

Great Northern Diver, Aaron Long:

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