
Bird News Wednesday 27th December

4 Waxwings at Tready car park, Inch Lake, Co Donegal (Chris Ingram).

Drake Ring-necked Duck still at Mill Lough, Enniskillen 1145 also a hybrid drake Ring-necked Duck x Tufted Duck hybrid (Gavin Thomas).

1st winter Iceland Gull briefly tucking into bread at the Round O, Enniskillen (Gavin Thomas).

6 Pink-footed Geese with the Greylags at Longlands Road, Comber (Wilton Farrelly).

Approximately 170 Waxwings still along low Road, Ballystrudder, Islandmagee but flighty and moving up to higher ground (Richard Gray). Still c130 on road down to Portmuck 1330 (Stephen Dunbar).

About 50 Waxwings around Ballycarry Bridge predominately in the tree by the power station (Rufus Singh).

Putative Scandinavian Rock Pipit (littoralis) in the harbour, Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Great White Egret at Portmore Lough RSPB from the viewing platform (Gavin Thomas).

Possible Scandanavian Rock Pipit, Ric Else:

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