
Bird News Tuesday 26th December

Yesterday 6 Waxwings were at Lynn Hall in Bangor. (Stephen Dunbar).

At least 4 Great White Egrets were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve this morning. (Garry Armstrong).

Approximately 100 Waxwings were at the top of the Portmuck Road on Islandmagee. (Jonathan Cooke).

20+ Purple Sandpipers were at the coastal zone in Portrush. (Michael Latham).

The Long-tailed Duck is still at the Quoile this morning. (Mike McLaughlin, David McCreedy).

The Short-eared Owl is still at Divis above Belfast. (Wilton Farrelly).

Two Black-throated Diver along with Great Northern and Red-throated Diver were in Carnlough Bay.(Richard Gray).

4 Slavonian Grebes and a male Greater Scaup were off Macedon Point in Belfast Lough. (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

At least 60 Waxwings were in Hawthorn hedges by the A36 Larne - Ballymena road at Glenwherry this afternoon, sadly several birds had been struck and killed by passing traffic. (David Steele).

Approximately 200 Waxwings were near Ballystrudder on the right going down towards Ballycarry Bridge. (Timothy Davis).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Kinnegar shore. (Jeff Higgott).

A Short-eared Owl was hunting at Slievenacloy this morning. (David Gotto).

Please note Island Road Lower (Ballycarry Bridge), will be closed for the day on 2 January 2024.

Long-tailed Duck, Mike McLaughlin

Waxwings, Jonathan Cooke

Short-eared Owl, David Gotto

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