
Bird News Monday 15th January

 The Long-tailed Duck is still at the Quoile this morning. (David Stirling, Juliet Fleming).

A Great White Egret was at Reedy Flats. (Steven Fyffe).

A Red Kite was two miles east of Banbridge, 5 yellowhammers were also seen. (Mike McLaughlin).

A Jack Snipe was at Ballysaggart Lough. (Ed O'Hara).

A Woodcock was seen flying into Hillsborough Forest from the Ballynahinch Road. (Garry Wilkinson).

Two Great White Egrets were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Richard Caves).

Five Cattle Egrets and two Great White Egrets were on farmland off Shore Road at Toomebridge. A Little Gull was at Cranfield Point, Lough Neagh. (Emma Mulholland, Eilish Smyth).

The Great Northern Diver was still in Portrush Harbour this morning. (Gerry Bond).

Three Waxwings were in trees by the A37 near Limavady. (David Steele).

The Black Redstart was at the yacht club end of Whitehead seafront, the two Twite were still around the boatyard and the 3 Purple Sandpipers were close to the Rangers club. (Jason Bain).

Great White Egrets, Richard Caves.

Long-tailed Duck, Juliet Fleming.

Great Northern Diver, Gerry Bond.

Twite & Purple Sandpiper, Jason Bain.

Buzzard, Bill Guiller.

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