
Bird News Sunday 14th January

The Black Redstart remains at Whitehead by the yacht club. Also 3 Purple Sandpipers along the shoreline and 2 Twite still at the boatyard (Aaron Long).

8+ Pink-footed Geese in mixed Whooper / Goose flock Craigantlet Hills (Billy Miskelly).

2 Velvet Scoter off Macedon towards the Eider flock which contains several Common Scoter (Stuart McKee).

Late news for yesterday of male Hen Harrier and a Pink-footed Goose with the Greylags on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

2 Waxwings at Ballystrudder garden also male Blackcap favouring hawthorns just north of a cul-de-sac called Island Dale (Aaron Long / John Spottiswood).

Great White Egret at Derrycrow, Lough Neagh (Rosemary Millar).

40 Waxwings on Portstewart Road at junction of Dundonald Road but flighty and flew towards Bann Estuary (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn).

7 drake Goosander at Simon Mills, Strabane (Brian Hegarty).

3 Great White Egrets at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning (Andrew Upton).

A Short-eared Owl along the shore at Ballyspurge on the Outer Ards (Richard Weyl).

The 1st winter Iceland Gull remains at Portballintrae (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn).

5/6 Waxwings near Victoria Park, East Belfast (Paul Hunter).

Great Spotted Woodpecker yesterday at the Linen Green, Dungannon (Naomi Bell / Colin Bell).

9 Woodcock in the Hollywood Hills (Ronald Surgenor).

5 Pink-footed Geese at Larne Lough (Cameron Moore).

Green-winged Teal still Ballyquintin (Chris Murphy).

Black Redstart Caffreys Shore, Kilclief (Chris McNally).

Twite, Jonathan Cooke:

Velvet Scoter, Daniel Newton:

Goosander, Brian Hegarty:

Waxwing, Paul Hunter:

Waxwing, Donna Riddell:

Purple Sandpiper, Michael Latham:

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