
Bird News Monday 1st January 2024

Waxwings were widely reported throughout the day in the Larne and Islandmagee areas, involving over 150 birds. Birds were seen at the following sites:

* Over 50 Waxwing are along the Low Road, north west of Ballycarry

* 60 Waxwing are along Millbay Road, Islandmagee: 

* 6 Waxwing were a mile before Portmuck (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn)
* Over 15 Waxwing were along Lough Road, Ballycarry (just east of Ballycarry Bridge).
* 3 Waxwing were seen at Ransevyn Drive, Whitehead
* 17 Waxwing were at Larne Methodist Church. 

Thanks for all who reported the many Waxwing sightings above including Albert Boyle, Gayle & Garry Wilkinson, Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn, Michael Latham, David Nixon, Linda Thompson, Philip West and Bob Watts.

The female Long-tailed Duck was in the channel at Myroe (Stephen Riddell / Raymond Fulton)

Three Waxwing and the Long-tailed Duck were at Todd’s Corner, Lough Neagh (Ed O’Hara)

Glynn had the male Goosander, 3 Slavonian Grebe, 3 Common Scoter and a Long-tailed Duck (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn et al)

The Bonaparte’s Gull was still at Ballygally Hotel this afternoon (Garry Armstrong)

Carnlough had a Black-throated Diver and 5 Common Scoter (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn)

A Black-throated Diver was at Tyrella (Chris Murphy)

A Black-throated Diver was at Newcastle (David Stirling)

2 Snow Buntings were along Abbacy Road north of Portaferry. The Long-tailed Duck was still at the Quoile and a good count of 15 Yellowhammer Shore Road, Killyleagh (Derek Polley)

The Spotted Redshank was again at the Moneycarragh roost, South Inner Bay, Dundrum, this afternoon. (Graham McIlwaine)

12 Twite were at Whitehead Boatyard and 2 Purple Sandpiper at Port Davey (Garry Wilkinson)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker has been visiting a garden near Gilford (Joel McKee)

Two Slavonian Grebe were seen off Castle Espie (Kevin Kirkham)

41 Sanderling were at Tyrella Beach (Hugh Thurgate)

5 Waxwing were on the A2 at Campsie, close to City of Derry Airport (Richard Gray)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was visiting a garden in Dungannon (Billy Stewart)

An adult Med Gull was at Kinnegar Shore today (Jeff Higgott)

Can we wish all Blog users a happy new year and also thank everyone for their sightings, pictures and news in the last 12 months.

Bonaparte's Gull, Michael Latham:

Waxwings, Garry Wilkinson:

Slavonian Grebes, Glynn, Michael Latham:

Waxwings, Islandmagee, Albert Boyle:

Waxwings, Linda Thompson:

Long-tailed Duck, Stephen Riddell:

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