
Bird News Tuesday 2nd January

Adult Bonaparte’s Gull flew from Halfway House car park to in front of Ballygally Castle at 1150 briefly before flying south towards Larne (Tom Garner). Little Gull subsequently but no further sign of Bonaparte’s Gull (Aaron Long / Mel O’Hagan). Bonaparte’s Gull seen earlier at 1022 at Ballygally Castle ans 3 Great Northern Divers (Jeff Higgott).

3 Great White Egrets at Portmore Lough RSPB, also Common Chiffchaff at the viewing platform (Ed O’Hara).

Adult Yellow-legged Gull at Whitehouse Park (Stuart McKee).

12 Pink-footed Geese at Flatfields (Garry Armstrong).

2 Iceland Gulls reported at Corbally Res but one might be a hybrid (John Clarke).

3 Slavonian Grebes and a single Great Northern Diver at Glynn (Aaron Long / Jeff Higgott).

Circa 20 Waxwing flew north over Lunnon Road, Mullaghboy, Islandmagee at 1440 (Kevin Kirkham).

19 Waxwings at Ballycarry Bridge c3pm (Jonathan Cooke / Cameron Moore).

5 Waxwings at Larne Methodist Church early afternoon (Jeff Higgott).

125 Purple Sandpipers Portrush (Dennis Weir).

5 Barnacle Geese with the Whitefront and Greylag Goose flock at Big Isle, Co Donegal. 16 Pink-footed Geese at Blanket Nook, Co Donegal. 2 Barnacle Geese at Donnybrewer, Co Derry (Richard Gray).

Red-throated Diver with fishing tackle caught around its chest off Lough view car park (Gerry Judge).

Drake Goosander at Begney Lake near Dromora this afternoon (David Nixon).

Drake Goosander near the mouth of the Inver River in Larne (Brian Halligan).

A 1st winter Iceland Gull at the Round O, Enniskillen (Ronan Owens).

2 Twite at Whitehead Boatyard (Jeff Higgot).

Red-throated Diver, Gerry Judge:

Bonaparte’s Gull, Jeff Higgott:

Twite, Jeff Higgott:

Purple Sandpiper, John Fraser:

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