
Bird News Monday 26th February

 A Merlin was along the seawall at Myroe this morning. (Gordon Nesbitt).

Yesterday 5 Stock Doves, scarce in the area, were in stubble fields at Loughry College, Cookstown. (Godfrey McRoberts).

An Iceland Gull was at the mouth of the river at Portballintrae. (Stephen Riddell).

A male Goosander was off Glenarm beach. (Brenda Campbell).

Two Long-eared Owls were in a garden near Annahilt. (Garry Wilkinson).

A Brambling is still visiting a garden in Whitehead. (Cameron Moore)

Cattle Egret, Terry Hanna.

Iceland Gull, Stephen Riddell.

Goosander, Brenda Campbell.

Brambling & Siskin, Cameron Moore.

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