
Bird News Sunday 25th February

A female Black Redstart is at the footbridge at Newcastle Promenade. The Spotted Redshank was in Dundrum Bay (Wilton Farrelly)

Portballantrae had a Glaucous Gull, an Iceland Gull and 22 Purple Sandpipers. (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

A Merlin was at the east end of Reedy Flats (Michael Latham)

The Spotted Redshank was still showing very well at Castle Espie (Philip West)

A female Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Lisnagra Forest, Muff, Donegal (Robert Boyle)

The male Smew is still at Ardmore Rd (viewed from the layby) this morning. (Fergal Stanley)

The male and female Brambling were still briefly in a garden in Whitehead. Also, three Pink-footed Geese were seen at Larne Lough. (Cameron Moore)

The female Great Spotted Woodpecker was at RSPB WoW (Sean Thompson)

The Cattle Egret was at Brankins Bridge Road, Lough Neagh again this afternoon (Terry Hanna)

Merlin, Michael Latham:

Male Great Spotted Woodpecker, Sean Thompson:

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