
Bird News Monday 13th May

The Temmincks stint present this morning at Portmore, co Antrim.  Has moved to the mud bank at the far right of the pool in front of platform (Arron Long)

The Temmnicks Stint was still at Portmore late morning and the Cattle Egret was with calves before you come to the bull on Brankins Island Road at midday (Garry Wilkinson)

Three Garganey were at Lough Beg this morning, also four male Ruff present. (David Steele)

A Spotted Flycatcher was at Ervey Wood/Ness Wood. (Conor McCoy). Another was on Rathlin (Ric Else)

Temmincks Stint (in front of the Common Terns), David McCreedy:

Cattle Egret, Garry Wilkinson:

Many thanks to all who send in bird news and pictures. You can see more pictures of local birds at:

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