
Bird News Sunday 12th May

No sign of male Grey-headed Wagtail on Rathlin this morning (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

At Belfast WoW RSPB Reserve this morning 2 Mediterranean Gulls on the raft in front of the visitors centre and an Arctic Tern by Hide 2. No sign of either Roseate Tern or Bonaparte’s Gull (Aaron Long).

Cuckoo at D3 next to Belfast WoW RSPB Reserve (Stuart Cossey).

2nd winter Iceland Gull still at Portballintrae (Stephen & Donna Riddell).

Drake Ring-necked Duck and 2 Whimbrel around the Mullagh, Lough Beg this morning (Richard Hunter).

Cuckoo at Murlough NR (Paul Hunter).

Temminck’s Stint on the pool at Portmore Lough RSPB (Garry Armstrong).

Temminck’s Stint, Michael Latham:

Iceland Gull, Stephen Riddell:

Reed Warbler, Michael Latham:

Cuckoo, Paul Hunter:

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