Bird News Saturday 22nd June

Red-necked Phalarope still in SW corner of Lough Beg. There was also a Pectoral Sandpiper this evening though often elusive and 3 Ruff (David Steele).

Great Spotted Woodpecker family still frequenting a garden near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson).

News from last night of a Long-eared Owl at Seagahan Reservoir, Co Armagh (John Anderson).

Approximately 5 pairs of Arctic Tern at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve also one Knot (Stuart McKee).

3 Common Sandpipers at Lady Bay (Garry Armstrong).

Red-throated Diver at Long Hole, Bangor (Peter Stanyon / Richard Weyl).

Great Northern Diver at Ballymacormack Point (Richard Weyl).

Common Sandpiper and reeling Grasshopper Warbler at the Bann Estuary (Aaron Long).

Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel and juvenile Wheatear at Tara near Portaferry (Dermot Hughes).

Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Garry Wilkinson:

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