Bird News Wednesday 26th June

The female Red-necked Phalarope was still in the south west corner of Lough Beg, giving good views (Clifford Sharpe / David McCreedy). It should be noted that this bird covers a wide area and in the last 24 hours has been seen at Church Island, Annagh and the Mullagh. The bird was still present at 8pm (John Spratt)

RSPB WoW had a Common Sandpiper and 8 Knot (Gerard McGeehan)

A single Brent Goose was at the Floodgates, Newtownards (Dermot Hughes)

A Long-eared Owl was at the Six Mile Water, Antrim (Willy White)

Red-necked Phalarope, David McCreedy:

Yellowhammer, William Smiton:

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