
Bird News Saturday 28th September

A Great White Egret was briefly at the Barmouth, 2 Ruff were also present. (John Spottiswood, Dean Jones).

A single Ruff was off Croaghan hide at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong).

A Whimbrel and 2 Wheatear were at St John's Point. (Chris & Tim Murphy).

The Baird's Sandpiper is still at Blanket Nook in Donegal. (Derek Brennan).

The Green Sandpiper was still at Clea Lakes. (Hugh Thurgate).

A single Ruff is at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Stuart Cossey).

2 Ruff, 2 Whoopers, a Carrion Crow and a Carrion Hooded hybrid were off Castle Island hide at the Quoile. (Aaron Long).

A hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crow was at Belfast Waterworks. (Stuart McKee).

A Great White Egret was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Garry Armstrong).

Yesterday 5 Pinkfeet and 4 Barnacles flew over Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Bird News Friday 27th September

Circa 100 Pinkfeet past Rinagree early morning (Stephen Riddell).

100 Pinkfeet were over Killough (Chris Murphy).

3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers (2m & f) in Annahilt garden this morning (Garry Wilkinson).

2 Ruff at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve (Chris Hamilton).

A Red Kite this morning near Tardree Forest (Mark Smyth).

Juvenile Corncrake and 30 Pinkfeet roosted last night but no sign today on Tory Island (Anton Meenan).

Black Tern still at Portmore Lough RSPB (Dave McCreedy / Mike McLaughlin).

Bairds Sandpiper at Blanket Nook, Co Donegal (Derek Brennan).

An adult Sabine’s Gull off Runkerry Beach, Portballintrae mid afternoon flying towards Runkerry House c100 yards offshore at 1545. Was still visible in surf off Runkerry House at 1610 (Garry Wilkinson). No further sign by 1710 (Aaron Long).

18 Barnacle Geese east past Magilligan Point (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn).

Wood Sandpiper from the hide at Quoile Pondage (Tim Murphy).

Juvenile Sabine’s Gull past Ramore Head this evening (Aaron Long).

Lough Beg had five Barnacle Geese, seven Brent Geese and four Pink-feet. Also two Hen Harriers about (a juvenile and an adult female) - (David Steele)

A Pink-footed Goose was In the channel running through Dundrum South Inner Bay. (David Nixon)

White-tailed Eagle bred in NI in Co Fermanagh; the first breeding record in NI for more than 150 years. Read more at

Pink-footed Geese, Stephen Riddell:

Bird News Thursday 26th September

The strong north easterly winds has seen high numbers of Pink-footed Geese been reported today:

200+ Pink-footed Geese flew south east over Castleroe, Coleraine this afternoon (George Farrelly)

A flock of 79 Pink-footed Geese flew over Church Bay, Rathlin at 5:59pm south east towards Fair Head. A Whimbrel and 2 Wheatear were also seen. (Nathanael Poffley)

4 Pink-footed Geese were off the hide at The Quoile (Dermot Hughes)

1-2 Green Sandpiper were at Clea Lough, Killyleagh this evening (Hugh Thurgate)

A Mediterranean Gull and Red-throated Diver were off Grey Point but otherwise was quiet (Aaron Long)

Pink-footed Geese, Nathanael Poffley:

Bird News Wednesday 25th September

 A Yellow-browed Warbler was on Tory this morning. (Anton Meenan).

The Whiskered Tern is still at Lough Beg. (David Steele).

A Pinkfoot was seen flying from Rathlin towards the north coast. (Nathanael Poffley)

4 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

Grey Point this evening had an Arctic Skua and 6 Red-throated Divers. (Bob Watts, Wilton Farrelly, Philip West).

Bird News Tuesday 24th September

Adult Whiskered Tern remains at Lough Beg mostly favouring the north end (David Steele).

Ramore Head seawatch 0700-0830 produced single Leach’s Petrel and Sooty Shearwater, 6 Arctic Skuas, 2 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 Red-throated and Great Northern Divers, c1800 Kittiwakes (Dean Jones). 2 juvenile Sabine’s Gulls, 3 Arctic Skuas, 3 Great Northern Divers early afternoon (Matthew Tickner). 4 Arctic Skuas by 1pm also 2 Red-throated Divers (Gerard McGeehan).

Sub-adult White-tailed Eagle still at Inch Lake, Co Donegal this morning (Theo Campbell).

2 Ruff this morning at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve (Daniel Newton).

4 dark-phase Arctic Skuas this morning at Magilligan Point (Ivan Quail / Nicky Lynn).

2 Mediterranean Gulls on the Crescent Playing Field, Coleraine (Stephen Riddell).

Curlew Sandpiper still in the channel at Myroe (Gerry Bond).

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper at the high tide wader roost at Dundrum South Inner Bay (David Nixon).

2 Pink-footed Geese at Newcastle Boating Lake (Leonard Charles).

Manx Shearwater at Coney Island, Lough Neagh (Andrew Upton).

Red Kite, Whimbrel and Stock Dove at Ardilea (Chris Murphy).

A Pink-footed Goose was with the Greylags at Hillsborough Forest Lake this afternoon (Suzanne Belshaw).

Whiskered Tern, David Steele:

Curlew Sandpiper, Gerry Bond:

Whiskered Tern, David Steele:

Mediterranean Gulls, Stephen Riddell:

Pink-footed Goose, Suzanne Belshaw:

Bird News Monday 23rd September

The Whiskered Tern is still at Lough Beg today, favouring the northern end (David Steele)

A sub-adult White-tailed Eagle was at Inch Lake, Donegal this morning. 8 Ruff were also seen. (Theo Campbell)

A Little Stint was at Blanketnook, Donegal (Derek Brennan)

The Black Tern was still at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning (David McCreedy)

A Pink-footed Goose was with the Greylag flock around Doagh/ Ballyclare, viewed from the Deerpark Road (Ivan Quail)

An adult Iceland Gull flew over the  Albertbridge, Belfast, River Lagan  headed inland towards east Belfast docks area (Paul McCullough)

4 Ruff - 1 winter plumaged male, 3 juveniles were at ESPB WoW (Tom Ennis)

Also at Lough Beg today were three Great White Egrets, a Hen Harrier, 16 Ruff and four male Greater Scaup (David Steele)

Whiskered Tern at distance, David Steele:

Bird News Sunday 22nd September

The Whiskered Tern is still at Lough Beg, to the north of Long Point and distant. (David Steele). The Tern was still showing distantly this afternoon, 2 Great White Egrets and a Hen Harrier were also seen. (Aaron Long).

The juvenile Marsh Harrier and a single Ruff were off Croaghan hide at Oxford Island this morning. (Garry Armstrong).

The Green Sandpiper was still at the Blackstaff river near Dundrum. (Michael Latham).

An Arctic Skua was chasing Kittiwakes off Bloody Bridge outside Newcastle this morning. (Stephen Foster).

A Merlin, 3 Wheatear and 3 White Wagtails were at St John's Point, 40 Pinkfeet were in the stubble field opposite St John's Church. (Chris Murphy).

The Pinkfoot and 3 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Garry Armstrong).

A Black Tern was at Portmore. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

An Arctic Skua and a Merlin were on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

5 Whooper Swans were at Balls Point on Lough Foyle this afternoon. (Graham McElwaine).

A ringtail Hen Harrier was at the southern end of  Spelga dam in the Mournes, 3 Red Kites were also in the area. (Heather Lysk).

Green Sandpiper, Michael Latham.

Bird News Saturday 21st September

The adult Whiskered Tern remains at Lough Beg this morning from Longpoint Wood viewpoint albeit distant. Park at Church Island car park and use the boardwalk (Dean Jones). Still present 5pm (David Steele).

Great White Egret and ringtail Hen Harrier at Lough Beg this evening (Graham Mitchell).

Black Tern from Croaghan Hide, Oxford Island this morning (Garry Armstrong). Marsh Harrier (Clifford Sharpe).

5 Fieldfare flew over Fosses Road near Killaght roundabout (Kevin Rice).

Short-toed Lark still on Tory Island, Co Donegal (Brian McCloskey). Also Garden Warbler, 4 Lapland Bunting, 2 Corncrake, 15 Cory’s Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater (Vic Caschera et al).

3 Red Kite by Killough Road just south of Downpatrick (Bob Watts).

St John’s Point: Short-eared Owl, 2 Whimbrel, 12+ mostly Greenland Wheatear, 10+ White Wagtail (Bob Watts).

150+ Pink-footed Geese over Ballyculter in two flocks (David Stirling). Also heard over Killough (Chris Murphy).

Green Sandpiper still in Blackstaff Creek, Dundrum (Bob Watts).

2 Ruff at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve (Daniel Newton).

57 Twite on Rathlin a record count (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Short-toed Lark, Derek Brennan:

Bird News Friday 20th September

The Whiskered Tern was still at Lough Beg this morning (Derek Brennan / Brian McCloskey). The bird was still present at 11:40 (Mike McLaughlin/ David McCreedy). The bird was still present at 3pm (Stuart McKee). The bird was still present at 4:45pm but distant (Theo Campbell / Daniel Newton)

9 Ruff were at Lough Beg (Bob Watts)

A Green Sandpiper was at Clea Lough, Killyleagh this morning (Hugh Thurgate)

From the Tory Ferry were seen 4 Cory’s, 1 Arctic Skua and 1 Storm Petrel (Derek Brennan).

The Short-toed Lark remains on Tory Island (Davy Hunter). The Pied Flycatcher was also present this morning (Anton Meenan)

A Ruff was at Lady Bay (Juliet Fleming)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Springbank Industrial Estate, Dunmurry (Ivan Cullen)

Birders who visited Cape Clear will be sad to learn that Steve Wing, the Island’s warden, passed away yesterday. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family.

Whiskered Tern, Mike McLaughlin:

Short-toed Lark, Tory, Gerry Bond:

Ruff, Juliet Fleming:

Bird News Thursday 19th September

Whiskered Tern at Lough Beg, moulting adult, showing around the small island off the observation area at Long Point until 19.30 at least. (David Steele).

 The Pink-footed Goose and 6 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Stuart Cossey).

The Green Sandpiper was still at the Blackstaff near Ardilea. (David Clarke).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at the Quoile. (Alastair McLean).

Tory Island had a Barred Warbler, Short-toed Lark, Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher. (Peter Philips, Anton Meenan).

A pair of Dark-bellied Brent (distinctly together) was with 90 Brent at Green Island in Dundrum Bay. (David Nixon).

There are 2 seats available for Saturday's boat trip from Portstewart to Magilligan Point. This trip will include sailing down the Bann to Barmouth nature reserve. For more details contact Jim Wells on -07856235144. 

Distant View of The Whiskered Tern, David Steele.

Green Sandpiper, David Clarke.

Bird News Wednesday 18th September

No sign of possible White-rumped Sandpiper at Belfast Lough WoW but Pink-footed Goose on far bank flew off at 0657 (Daniel Newton). 6 Ruff (Gerard McGeehan).

4 Ruff from the hide at Quoile Pondage with 2 Whimbrel at Coney Island (Dave Weir).

2 Wheatear at St John’s Point and the Green Sandpiper remains at Blackstaff Creek, Dundrum (Dave Weir).

2 Pied Flycatchers Tory Island, Co Donegal (Anton Meenan).

Pink-footed Goose, Daniel Newton:

Bird News Tuesday 17th September

5 Ruff and a Whimbrel were at RSPB WoW (Daniel Newton)

At least 5 Twite were at the Magheracross Viewpoint this morning (Stephen Riddell)

A Ruff was at the Floodgates, Newtownards (Ian Young)

The Green Sandpiper was again on the Blackstaff creek, Dundrum (Dermot Hughes)

A Marsh Harrier was at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning (David McCreedy)

A White Wagtail was at the Barmouth (Stephen Riddell)

Curlew Sandpiper yesterday at Myroe, David Hill:

Bird News Monday 16th September

4 Whooper Swans flew over the Monkstown area of Newtownabbey this morning. (Kevin Rice).

4 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Jacques Normand).

The Barred Warbler is still on Tory. (Anton Meehan).

A single Twite was at Ramore Head. (John Clarke).

A Common Sandpiper and 2 Wheatear were near Dunseverick harbour. (Juliet Fleming).

2 dark phase Arctic Skua and 2 Red-throated Diver were at Magilligan, A Wheatear was at Myroe. (Steven Farquhar).

A Short-eared Owl and a Whimbrel were on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Bird News Sunday 15th September

Flock of 10 Twite at Magheracross (Donna Riddell).

3 Ruff at Belfast Lough WoW (Daniel Newton).

2 Pink-footed Geese at Myroe (Ian Dickey).

The juvenile Curlew Sandpiper remains in the channel at the Roe end of Myroe Levels but no sign of Pinkfeet early afternoon (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee/David Steele).

Adult Bonaparte’s Gull again at Ballygally at south end of beach (Neal Warnock).

Common Sandpiper at Kinnegar Pools (Paul Hunter).

Single Pomarine and Arctic Skua off Copeland and a Hen Harrier over (Thomas Miller et al).

2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers at Lagan Meadow (Mel O’Hagan).

2 Arctic Skuas, summer plumaged Great Northern and 3 red-throated Divers at Magilligan (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee/David Steele). Also an adult Little Gull and 2 juvenile Arctic Terns (Jeff Larkin).

Whimbrel, 6 White Wagtail, 2 Blackcap, 4 Red-throated Diver at Ballyquintin Point (Richard Weyl).

2 Arctic Skuas, 3 Red-throated Divers, 4 Common Scoters and a Whimbrel Ramore Head (Daniel Newton / Michael Latham / Aaron Long).

Barred Warbler on Tory Island, Co Donegal (Anton Meenan).

Common Sandpiper, Paul Hunter:

Arctic Skuas, Michael Latham:

Barred Warbler, Anton Meenan:

Bird News Saturday 14th September

5 Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Daniel Newton)

A Whimbrel was at Ballyquinton Point (Bob Watts)

Two dark phase Arctic Skua were at Magilligan (Tom Garner)

Portmuck, Islandmagee had a Sooty Shearwater and a pale phase Arctic Skua (Ian Enlander)

An adult Sabines Gull was off Copeland (Thomas Miller)

Brent Geese are now back in large numbers.

Bird News Friday 13th September

A female type Marsh Harrier was at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Ed O'Hara).

A Garden Warbler  and a single Whimbrel were on Copeland. (Thomas Miller et al).

A Curlew Sandpiper was in the channel at Myroe. (John Clarke).

Five Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Bob Watts).

A Great White Egret, 2 juvenile Arctic Terns, 2 Pinkfeet and 17 Ruff were at Lough Beg. (David Steele).

2 Arctic Terns were at Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Merlin was at Portmore this evening and a single Ruff at Lady Bay. 

Curlew Sandpiper, John Clarke.

Bird News Thursday 12th September

3+ Arctic Skuas Magilligan Point (2 dark phase/1 pale phase) early afternoon (Bob Watts).

3 Ruff at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve and single Arctic Tern at Kinnegar Shore (Ivan Maggini).

Green Sandpiper and Arctic Tern at Lough Beg this evening (David Steele).

Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper at Myroe (Matthew Tickner).

Ramore Head was very quiet this morning with the most noteworthy sightings being 4 Arctic Tern, 6 Pintail, Great Northern and 6 Red-throated Divers (Matthew Tickner).

Juvenile Sabine’s Gull Copeland in with raft of Kittiwakes (Tomas Miller et al).

Juvenile Common Redstart on Tory Island, Co Donegal (Anton Meenan).

43 Pink-footed Geese over Rathlin this morning the earliest by 3 days (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Arctic Skua, Jonny Rosborough:

Knot, Ian Enlander:

Sabine’s Gull, Thomas Miller:

Bird News Wednesday 11th September

With the strong north westerly winds, it has been a good day for seawatching. Sightings are below and a number will involve some duplication:

Rathlin Island this morning had 9 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas, Great Skua, 2 Storm Petrels and breaching Minke Whale (Ric Else)

15 Leaches Petrel were seen in 2 hours this morning birds all heading west towards Portstewart from Rinagree, also Sabine’s Gull, several Arctic and Great Skuas (John Clarke)

At lunchtime an Arctic Skua was at RSPB WoW on the mud - last seen at 12:30 (Gerard McGeehan)

Ramore Head, 0830 - 1100 had 31 Leach’s petrel, 7 juvenile Sabine’s Gull, 3 Sooty Shear, 5 Arctic Skua, 4 Bonxie and 16 Arctic Tern. (Matthew Tickner)
Circa 90 mins this evening had 12 Leach’s, 3Sooty Shearwater, 6 Arctic Skua, 11 Arctic Tern (Matthew Tickner). A juvenile Sabines Gull was also seen early evening along with a further 3 Leach’s, 3 Sooties, 2 Bonxies, Arctic Skua and c30+ Commic Terns mostly Arctic with a probable Black (Bob Watts). An adult Mediterranean Gull was at the East Strand car park, Portrush (Stephen & Donna Riddell).
Also reported from Ramore Head this morning were 8 Sabines Gull, 2 Grey Phalarope and a Balearic Shearwater (Ian Thompson). 21 Leach’s Petrels 12-4 (Stuart McKee). Probably a minimum of 70+ Leach’s Petrels seen during the day by various observers.

A seawatch from Fanad lighthouse car park. 8:10-11:10 had Sooty's 113 (first half hour only), Bonxie 26, Arctic skua 1, Leachs Petrel 17, Storm Petrel 3. From the lighthouse were seen 2 adult Sabines Gulls and a Whimbrel (Jamie Bliss)

This morning Magilligan Point had Arctic Skua - 22, Bonxie - 13, Little tern - 1, Sabines Gull - 1, Arctic Tern - 1 (Jonny Rosborough, Ian Dickey and Kenny Moore)

Copeland Bird Observatory this morning had 2 Arctic Skua and 4 Storm Petrel (Thomas Miller)

A Black Tern was seen this morning at Ramore Head (Ivan Maggini)

A seawatch at Malin Head between 0630-1030 had Wilsons Petrel - 2, Sooty - 580, Great Shear - 8, Cory's - 9, Bonxie - 7, Arctic Skua - 6, Pom - 2, Storm Petrel - 5, Leachs - 1, (Kendrew Colhoun, Mark Davenport, Daniel Moloney)

Melmore Head Donegal from 7.30 to about 3.00 had 14 Leaches Petrel, 3 Sabines, 3 Grey Phalarope, circa 2000 Sooties, 1 juv Long-tailed Skua, 2 Poms, 10 Arctic Skua, 44 bonxies, 107 Arctic terns and 3 Whimbrel (Eric Randall)

Last night a Long-eared Owl was hunting at the Comber end of the Greenway. (Chris Shaw)

An adult hobby flew west across A26 Ballymena Antrim road (near Ballymuckvea landfill) at 17.10. (Richard Gray)

A Black Tern and an Arctic Tern were at Lough Beg in blustery conditions this evening. Two Pink-footed Geese were seen yesterday evening. (David Steele)

Juvenile Sabines Gull, Jonny Rosborough:

Ruff, RSPB WoW, Michael Latham:

Bird News Tuesday 10th September.

 7 Sooty Shearwaters and a Great Skua were off Rathlin this morning. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Copeland this morning had 2 Great Skua, 2 Arctic Skua, 3 Red-throated Diver and 2 Whimbrel. A Sooty Shearwater passed this afternoon. (Thomas Miller et al).

Seawatching at Ramore Head over the day had 5 juvenile Sabine's Gulls, 11 Leaches Petrels, 1 Storm Petrel, 6 Great Skua, 15 Arctic Skua, 1,100 Manx Shearwaters, 9 Sooty Shearwater, 15 Fulmar, 1 Great Northern Diver, 4 Red-throated Diver, 3 Whimbrel, 4 Puffin, 30 Kittiwakes, 250 Gannets, 2 Common Scoter, 2 Pintail, 68 Brent, 15 Commic Terns and 55 Arctic Terns. (Stuart McKee, Matthew Tickner).

A Great Shearwater and a Sooty Shearwater passed Fanad in Donegal. (Simon Robinson).

Bird News Monday 9th September

Late news from yesterday of an hours seawatch from East Light, Rathlin yielding an adult Sabine’s Gull, 42 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas and an Arctic Tern (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Leach’s Petrel, Arctic Skua, Great Northern Diver and Red Kite flew past Mullaghboy, SE of Larne this morning. Yesterday 17 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas (Thomas Miller & Oxford University Group).

This afternoon and evening off Copeland highlights were single Pomarine and Arctic Skuas, Black-throated Diver and Whimbrel (Thomas Miller et al).

Arctic Skua at Magilligan this morning (Stephen Dunbar).

Falcon species possibly Eleonoras from moving car over the Brambles of Jordanstown heading towards Carrickfergus, in Kockagh/Woodburn direction reported at 1430. Bird sporting reddish trousers but observer considered too large for Hobby with long-winged appearance and flight style less dashing and more reminiscent of a skua (Kevin Rice).

Juvenile Wood Sandpiper feeding actively on the mud at far side from the hide at Quoile Pondage, also 2/3 Ruff and a Common Sandpiper (David Nixon).

11 Whimbrel flew over Bangor, close to Brompton Bay at 3pm (Sean Wensley).

3 Ruff at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Nathan Gilbert).

10+ Sooty Shearwaters, Great Skua and Great Northern Diver off Rathlin this morning (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Bird News Sunday 8th September

Seawatch from Ramore Head 0830-1145 produced Leach’s Petrel, 7 Arctic Skua, Great Northern Diver and Whimbrel (Thomas Miller et al)

4 Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Stuart Cossey)

A Leaches Petrel and 2 Sooty Shearwater were seen off Aranmore Head this morning.

A Lapland Bunting was at the Lighthouse, Arranmore, Donegal this morning (Andrew McMillan). Yesterday a Lapland Bunting was on Tory (Robert Vaughan / Theo Campbell)

A Rosefinch is on Tory Island (Anton Meenan)

A seawatch at Fanad head between 0730 and 12.30 had 5 Great Shearwaters, 140 Sooty Shearwaters, 5 Great Skua, 1 Arctic Skua and  2 Sabines Gulls. (Chris Veale)

A Sooty Shearwater was seen from the Cairnryan to Larne ferry (Tom Garner)

A juvenile cuckoo was at Drumena Cashel, near Castlewellan (Andrew Crory)

2 Ruff were at Lady Bay (Michael Latham)

A Little Stint and Ruff were at Ballyquintin Point this morning. (Richard Weyl)

Artic Skuas from Magilligan earlier this week, David Hill:

Bird News Saturday 7th September

The Little Stint and 5 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Dave Weir).

The Long-billed Dowitcher was still present at the Quoile (David Stirling)

A Little Gull was still at Lady Bay. (David McCreedy / Mike McLaughlin) 2 Ruff and a Whimbrel were at Lady Bay this evening. 

A single Red Grouse was at Murley Mountain this morning, near Fivemiletown Co Tyrone (Colin Bell)

Ruff, Stephen Maxwell.

Bird News Friday 6th September

 A boat trip of  Magilligan had 2 Arctic Skuas and 2 Great Northern Divers. (Jim Wells).

The Long-billed Dowitcher was still off the hide at the Quoile this afternoon. (Chris Murphy, David Stirling).

A Green Sandpiper was at Lough Beg this evening. (David Steele).

A Black-necked Grebe was on Portmore this evening. (Garry Armstrong).

Arctic Skuas, William Smiton.

Bird News Thursday 5th September

The Slavonian Grebe remains this morning off Croaghan hide in the Coot flock at Oxford Island NNR (Ed O’Hara).

Arctic Skua hanging around Portstewart this morning (Stephen Riddell).

Little Ringed Plover juvenile briefly at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve this morning but no sign of juvenile Little Stint. Also 5 Ruff, Sanderling briefly, Arctic Tern (Derek Polley).

Curlew Sandpiper still at the Bann Estuary this afternoon (Stephen Riddell).

Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper at Myroe Levels (John Spottiswood).

There will be a boat trip from Portstewart to Magilligan Point tomorrow morning at 9am returning 1pm (Friday 6th September). Taking in Mussenden Temple, sailing down the Bann to look for the Ospreys and sitting off Magilligan for skuas, petrels etc… Contact Jim Wells on 07856 232144. £40. lift offered.

Stephen Riddell, Arctic Skua:

Stephen Riddell, Curlew Sandpiper:

John Fraser, Ruff:

Bird News Wednesday 4th September

A light phase Arctic Skua was at Magilligan (Ian Dickey)

The Little stint, Little Ringed Plover and 5 Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Gerard McGeehan)

At least one Osprey was still at the Bann Estuary this morning.

The Slavonian Grebe is off Croaghan hide at Oxford Island again. (Ed O'Hara)

A dark phase Arctic Skua was off the Barmouth (John Spottiswood)

The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at The Quoile, directly across from the Castle Island Hide. Two Ruff were also present. A Hen Harrier was also seen at The Burn Road, Ballygowan (Dave Weir)

4 Arctic Skua were at Magilligan this afternoon (Stephen Riddell)

The Little Stint was at RSPB WoW this afternoon (Bob Watts / Stuart McKee)

Lady Bay, Lough Neagh this evening had 2 Ruff, a 1st year Med Gull and 2 Common Sandpipers (Garry Armstrong)

A juvenile Sabines Gull was seen off Rathlin’s East Light on Monday 2nd (Ric Else)

100+ Cory's Shearwater, a Swift and Bluefin Tuna were of interest off Rossan Point, Malin More, Donegal this morning (James O'Neill)

Bird News Tuesday 3rd September

 An Osprey is at the Barmouth this morning. (Ian Dickey).

The Little Ringed Plover, the Little Stint and 3 Sanderling were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning, there was no sign of the American Golden Plover. (Kevin Kirkham). The Little Stint and 5 Ruff were still present this evening but there was no sign of the Little Ringed Plover. (Dave Weir).

A Curlew Sandpiper and a Mediterranean Gull were at the Barmouth. (John Clarke, John Spottiswood).

The Red-footed Falcon was still near Ards Friary in Donegal. (Andy Ellard).

A Barn Owl was seen last night off Ballyduggan Road outside Downpatrick. (Ivan Cullen).

Several Whimbrel were at Portstewart this afternoon. (John Clarke).

An hours sea watch at Ramore Head in light west northwest winds produced a Leach's Petrel, 15 Sooty Shearwaters, 300 Manx Shearwaters, 1 Great Skua, 3 Arctic Skuas, 300 Gannet and 20 Fulmar. (Stuart McKee). 

There was no sign of the Long-billed Dowitcher at the Quoile but a Ruff, 4 Dunlin and 2 Reed Warblers were present. (Aaron Long).

Curlew Sandpiper, John Clarke.

Mediterranean Gull, John Clarke.

Bird News Monday 2nd September

The Red-footed Falcon was showing this morning near Ards Friary, Dunfanaghy. (Theo Campbell). The location is:
The bird was looked for this evening but was not seen. However it could still be in the area.

The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at the Quoile this morning (Dave Weir)

RSPB WoW has a Little Ringed Plover, juvenile Little Stint, three Ruff and two Wheatear (Stuart McKee). Four Ruff were seen subsequently (Tom Ennis)

An Osprey flew north past Tara, near Portaferry (Dermot Hughes)

Ramore Head this evening (c 90 mins last thing) had single adult and juv Sabines Gulls, a juv Black Tern, a Leach’s Petrel, Whimbrel, 2 Storm Petrel, 7 Arctic Skua and circa 60 Arctic Tern. (Matthew Tickner)

Red-footed Falcon, Theo Campbell:

Bird News Sunday 1st September

The Buff-breasted Sandpiper is still at Myroe near the drainage channel this morning (Dean Jones). Also 4 Curlew Sandpipers (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee).

Adult summer plumaged Long-billed Dowitcher at Quoile Pondage NR from Castle Island hide (Nicky Lynn / Ivan Quail).

No sign of American Golden Plover or Little Ringed Plover at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Stuart Cossey). 2 Ruff this morning (Andrew Upton).

7 Arctic and a Great Skua at Magilligan (Donna Riddell). Little Gull in afternoon (Jeff Larkin).

Osprey at Killylane Dam, Glenwherry at 8am (Gregory Moorhead).

Late news from yesterday of an Osprey distant and beyond the NE perimeter of Portmore Lough (John Brehcist). Osprey today fishing at Portmore (Conor McCoy).

2 adult-looking Black Terns flew south down Belfast Lough past Whiteabbey/Hazelbank (Kevin Kirkham).

7 Mediterranean Gull and Whimbrel at Ballykelly (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee).

Confiding juvenile Curlew Sandpiper by the hide Bann Estuary. Earlier an Osprey caught fish and departed (John Spottiswood).

2 Ruff at Lady Bay (Richard Caves).

Ruff at the Moneycarragh high tide roost, Inner Dundrum Bay (Daniel Bailie).

Seawatching yesterday evening for an hour on Rathlin produced 7 Sooty Shearwaters, 10 Arctic Terns and a late Puffin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson). 

Ruff, Richard Caves:

Knot, John Clarke: