Bird News Thursday 26th September

The strong north easterly winds has seen high numbers of Pink-footed Geese been reported today:

200+ Pink-footed Geese flew south east over Castleroe, Coleraine this afternoon (George Farrelly)

A flock of 79 Pink-footed Geese flew over Church Bay, Rathlin at 5:59pm south east towards Fair Head. A Whimbrel and 2 Wheatear were also seen. (Nathanael Poffley)

4 Pink-footed Geese were off the hide at The Quoile (Dermot Hughes)

1-2 Green Sandpiper were at Clea Lough, Killyleagh this evening (Hugh Thurgate)

A Mediterranean Gull and Red-throated Diver were off Grey Point but otherwise was quiet (Aaron Long)

Pink-footed Geese, Nathanael Poffley:

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