Bird News Thursday 16th May

Wood Sandpiper at Belfast RSPB WoW Reserve found 1145 still present 1910 at least, on mud far side from Hide 1 but closer from Hide 2 though elusive at times in grass (Derek Polley / Ronnie Doggart / John Fraser / Bob Watts / Stuart Cossey et al). Also 2 Mediterranean Gulls on raft in front of visitor centre (Derek Polley et al). 11+ Arctic Terns in front of Hide 2 (Bob Watts).

Spotted Flycatcher at Kelly’s Wood, St John’s Point (Aaron Long).

Great White Egret and Garganey from the platform at Inch, Co Donegal (Chris Ingram).

Cuckoo calling from Kellswater Road, north of Randalstown this morning (Chris Hamilton).

Cuckoo in the Downhill area (John Spratt).

4 Garganey at Church Island Bay, Lough Beg;  3 drakes and duck (Richard Hunter).

Adult Yellow-legged Gull on River Lagan in central Belfast off Concentrix at 1825 (Niall Keogh).

2 Curlew Sandpipers at the Bann Estuary this evening (John Spottiswood).

Wood Sandpiper, Daniel Newton:

Cuckoo, John Spratt:

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