Bird News Wednesday 15th May

No sign of Temminck’s Stint at Portmore Lough RSPB 0700-0800 (Aaron Long).

Cattle Egret on Brankins Island Road with the bull (Aaron Long / Richard Caves).

Unconfirmed report of Chough from Derry Cityside early morning (Greg Ness via eBird). No sign late morning/early afternoon Prehen Woods (Theo Campbell / Barry Walls).

Osprey over the harbour this morning (Chris Bell), also Tree Pipit and Fieldfare at Keble, Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson). Late news from yesterday of Short-eared Owl (Chris Bell).

3 Garganey (2 male, female) Church Island, Lough Beg (Adam McClure).

3 Ruff in the rushy pool in the middle of Reedy Flats (Garry Armstrong).

Cattle Egret, Richard Caves:

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