Bird News Friday 26th July

4 Common Sandpipers at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Stuart McKee). 

Osprey still at Portmore Lough RSPB and moulting adult Little Gull in bay behind Gate Bay pub (David McCreedy / Mike McLaughlin).

Reports of Orca off Church Bay, Rathlin  c5pm (Fanny Reychler / Peter Mullan).

Bird News Thursday 25th July

 A juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker and 2 Crossbill were at Darvagh Forest near Cookstown. (Godfrey McRoberts).

A Common Sandpiper and 4 Bar-tailed Godwits were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Derek Polley).

The Osprey is still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Chris Rankin).

Bird News Wednesday 24th July

The two adult Little Gulls were again at Lady’s Bay, Lough Neagh, this morning (Aaron Long)

The Osprey is still present at RSPB Portmore Lough this morning (Aaron Long)

A juvenile Cuckoo was at Kearney this morning (Dermot Hughes)

One or two Leaches Petrel were heard during the night near Glenarm (Kevin Rice)

The dark morph Arctic Skua was still around Muck island. (Kevin Kirkham)

At least 2 Wilsons Storm Petrels, 2 Great Skua, c. 10 Sooty Shearwater, 3 Little Tern, 50 or so Arctic Tern and 100's of European Storm Petrel were seen on a pelagic 12 miles nw of Tory today. (Robert Vaughan / Bob Watts)

Bird News Tuesday 23rd July

Great Spotted Woodpecker visiting Lambeg garden daily (Noeni Bryars).

Little Gull still at Lady Bay (Daniel Newton). 2 adult Little Gulls present early afternoon also 5 Whimbrel (Clifford Sharpe / Gerry Judge). No sign of Little Gulls 5-7pm though 2 Stock Doves (Aaron Long).

Kestrel near Annahilt (Garry Wilkinson).

Whimbrel heard over East Belfast garden near Ballyhackamore (Wilton Farrelly).

A juvenile Cuckoo was along the shoreline at St Patrick’s Well near Ardglass this afternoon (David Nixon).

Little Gull, Daniel Newton (1), Gerry Judge (2-3):


Great Spotted Woodpecker, Noeni Bryars:

Bird News Monday 22nd July

 The Mediterranean Gull is still at the East Strand carpark in Portrush. (Donna Riddell).

Last night a 2nd year Mediterranean Gull was on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

One of the adult Little Gulls was off the sandbar in Lady Bay for 20 minutes this afternoon. (Richard Caves).

The Osprey remains at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Aaron Long).

The Ruff is still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Stuart McKee).

Little Gull, Richard Caves.

Bird News Sunday 21st July

The Osprey remains at Portmore Lough RSPB (Ryan Holgate). Still present early afternoon (Wilton Farrelly).

An unseasonal Pale-bellied Brent Goose at the Barmouth this morning (Dean Jones).

2 adult Little Gull and 2 Stock Dove at Lady Bay (Wilton Farrelly). A single Common Sandpiper (Richard Caves).

2 Whimbrel Bar Hall Bay. 2+ Whimbrel heard Templecooey. Whimbrel & Common Sandpiper Kearney (Bob Watts).

Single Common Sandpiper on Muck Island and probable dark phase Arctic Skua distantly beyond Muck Island (Aaron Long).

A Whimbrel, Carrion Crow and 2 Carrion Crow x Hooded Crow hybrids at Ardglass, another Carrion Crow at Coney Island (Dave Weir).

Kestrel at Holywood train station (Paula Campbell).

Kestrel at junction of Ballycreen and Ballynahinch Roads (Garry Wilkinson).

Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Dean Jones:

Bird News Saturday 20th July

2 Arctic Skuas, one dark one pale phase chasing Common Tern Portmuck and 2 Puffin drifted around the back of Muck Island (Ivan Quail). 

Single Ruff, 5 Common Sandpipers and 2 Arctic Terns at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW (Mike McLaughlin / Aaron Long). Nearby a minimum of 4 Common Sandpipers along the shoreline near the D3 car park (Stuart Cossey). 2 Common Sandpipers at Kinnegar Pools (Aaron Long).

Osprey still at Portmore Lough RSPB (Garry Armstrong).

3 Common Sandpipers at Lady Bay also 4 juvenile Little Egrets indicate breeding nearby (Garry Armstrong).

Common Sandpiper,  Mike McLaughlin. 

Bird News Friday 19th July

Late news from yesterday of an adult Short-eared Owl in wing moult on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson),

Ruff still at Belfast Lough WoW also 3 Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper (Michael Latham).

At Dundrum 2 Whimbrel and 4 Common Sandpipers at South Inner Bay and another 9 Common Sandpipers at the Ardilea/Blackstaff area of Inner Bay (David Nixon).

2 Common Sandpipers at Lady Bay this afternoon (Richard Caves).

Adult Mediterranean Gull still at Portrush (John Clarke).

9 Ruff and 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull at Lough Beg (David Steele).

Ruff and Greenshank, Michael Latham:

Common Sandpipers, Richard Caves:

Mediterranean Gull, John Clarke:

Bird News Thursday 18th July

Adult Mediterranean Gull East Strand car park Portrush (Stephen & Donna Riddell).

Single Ruff and Common Sandpiper at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve (Derek Polley). Also adult Mediterranean Gull, 198 Curlew, 300 Black-tailed Godwit, 50 Bar-tailed Godwit, single Arctic Tern (Stuart McKee).

3 Common Sandpipers Kinnegar Pools (Ian Young / Bob Watts).

Great Spotted Woodpecker in a Lambeg garden (Noeni Bryars).

Wood Sandpiper still from Tready hide, Inch, Co Donegal (Derek Brennan).

3 Common Sandpipers Lady Bay (Aaron Long).

Mediterranean Gull, Stephen Riddell:

Bird Nws Wednesday 17th July

 The Ruff and a Common Sandpiper were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Aaron Long).

2 Common Sandpipers were at Shaw's Lake, Glenanne. (Rosie Mulholland).

The Wood Sandpiper was still off the viewing platform at Inch Lake in Donegal. (Theo Campbell). Still showing well off the Tready hide although can disappear behind the grass verge at times. (Derek Brennan).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the shore at Groomsport. (Derek Polley).

Wood Sandpiper, Derek Brennan.

Bird News Tuesday 16th July

The Wood Sandpiper is still at Inch, Co Donegal, viewable from the disabled access platform (Derek Brennan / Martin Deehan)

A male Ruff and two Common Sandpiper are at RSPB WoW. Two Common Sandpipers and 3 Stock Dove were at Kinnegar (Stuart McKee)

The Osprey was again at Portmore this morning, very distantly off the far bank across from the viewing platform. (Alan Fitzsimmons). The bird was still present this evening (Aaron Long)

A female Garganey and six Ruff (five moulting males and unusually an adult female) are at Lough Beg. (David Steele)

Two Storm Petrel were seen this evening on the Cairnryan to Larne ferry (Tom Garner)

A female Ring-necked Duck was at Toome, Lough Neagh.

There will be a boat trip to Tory this Saturday (20th July). The boat will sail around the high cliffs of the island. Contact Jim Wells on 07856235144 for more details.