Bird News Saturday 4th January 2025

The Brambling was still at the middle carpark at Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara).

The Great White Egret and 2 Ruff were at Inch in Donegal. A White-tailed Eagle was on the castle and causeway. (Martin Deehan, Theo Campbell).

Bird News Friday 3rd January 2025

2 Bramblings still at junction of Edederry / Ballynahatty roads (Aaron Long).

80-90 Greenfinches at 4pm pre roost gathering in trees behind KFC at Lisburn Omniplex yesterday (Leia Giesel).

Goosander at mouth of River Carnlough. Slavonian Grebe at Glynn. Twite at Sandy Bay. Black-throated Diver still from Carnlough. 2 Great Northern Divers and 25 Purple Sandpipers from Portrush (Martin Deehan).

Great White Egret Ardmore Road shoreline, Lough Neagh 100m east of Emerson’s sand quarry (Clifford Sharpe).

Female type Ring-necked Duck back on Corbally Res (John Clarke).

2000+ Golden Plover at Newtownards Floodgates in field near flying club (Bob Watts).

Ring-necked Duck, John Clarke:

Kingfisher, David McCreedy:

Brambling, Aaron Long:

Bird News Thursday 2nd January 2025

Two Chiffchaff were at the rear of hide 2 at RSPB WoW (Ronnie Doggart / Derek Polley)

The Great White Egret was off the Croghan Hide, Oxford Island. A Brambling was also at the middle car park (Garry Armstrong)

A Black-throated Diver and 2 Great Northern Diver were at Carnlough (Aaron Long \ David Nixon \ Philip McHaffie)

2 Brambling were still around Edederry/Ballynahatty roads junction, Co Down (Dermot Hughes)

A male Hen Harrier was in the western Sperrins (Anna Warwick)

The Pink-feet were still with the Barnacles at Portmore (Juliet Fleming)

The Cattle Egret was still at the Creagh, next to the A6 at Toome (Nigel Moore)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was seen again at Lough Beg (David Steele)

75 Purple Sandpiper were on Rathlin (Ric Else)

A ring tail Hen Harrier was at Magilligan (Martin Deehan)

A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Knockninny, Co Fermanagh (Ronan Owens)

The Brambling was back in the garden at Whitehead (Cameron Moore)

Great White Egret, Portmore, Juliet Fleming:

Brambling, Cameron Moore:

Hen Harrier, Anna Warwick:

Bird News Wednesday 1st January 2025

2 Slavonian Grebes off Glynn in Larne Lough. (Aaron Long, Sean Gibson).

The redhead Goosander was still off Kinnegar shore in Belfast Lough and a Jack Snipe was by the airport. (Stuart Cossey).

A Short-eared Owl and a Merlin were at Ballyquitan. (Richard Weyl).

2 Black-throated Divers were at Carnlough. (Michael Latham).

The hybrid Ring-billed x Common Gull and 14 Purple Sandpipers were at Millisle. (Jeff Higgott)

The Bonaparte's Gull was on the shore opposite Ballygally Castle. (Jeff Larkin).

A Velvet Scoter was in Larne Lough. (Michael Latham).

A Carrion Crow and 6 Sandwich Terns were at Portaferry. (Jeff Higgott).

The Green Sandpiper was still at Creightons Green Reservoir and 3 Pinkfeet with Greylags at Whinny Hill. (Wilton Farrelly, Bob Watts, Philip West).

6 Crossbills were at Aghmakane Wood. (John Spottiswood).

The 1st winter Iceland Gull was at Sandy Bay in Larne. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

A Mediterranean Gull was at Whitehead. (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

6 Pink footed Geese were with Nutgrove Whooper and Greylag flock near Seaforde, seen from Bucks Head Road. The Spotted Redshank was at the high tide roost in Dundrum South. (David Nixon).

A pair of Long-tailed Ducks were on Belfast Lough off Greenisland. (Roger Woodward).

Pinkfeet, David |Nixon.

Bonaparte's Gull, Michael Latham.

Velvet Scoter, Michael Latham.