The Avocet is still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Amy Minnis).
A female Brambling and an escaped Zebra Finch are visiting a garden outside Hillsborough. (Garry Wilkinson).
The Red-crested Pochard is still on Lurgan Park Lake. (Tony Dodds).
A female type Black Redstart wad by the prom in Portstewart. On rocks and wall by bandstand. (John Spottiswood).
The Ring-necked Duck is still at Corbally Reservoir outside Portrush. (Juliet Fleming).
A Crossbill was at Springwell Forest. (David Hill).
3 Red-throated and 2 Great Northern Divers were between Garron Point and Galbolly. (Richard Caves).
Avocet, Amy Minnis.
Black Redstart, Stephen Riddell.
Crossbill, David Hill.
Great Northern Diver, Richard Caves.