Bird News Friday 28th February 2025

58 Red-throated and 3 Great Northern Divers flew into Belfast Lough this morning viewed from Whitehead (Ian Enlander).

Adult Iceland Gull still at Belfast Lough Reserve also Mediterranean Gull and probable Mediterranean/Black-headed Gull hybrid. Great Northern Diver from Kinnegar Shore (Kevin Kirkham).

2 Great Northern Divers Glenarm Bay (Garry Wilkinson).

Drake Ring-necked Duck still on northern Balancing Lake at Craigavon (Derek Polley).

15 Purple Sandpipers Church Bay, Rathlin (Ric Else).

2nd winter leucistic Great Black-backed Gull came into roost at Ardglass harbour also a Dark-bellied Brent Goose at Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy). 

Bird News Thursday 27th February 2025

 The male Ring-necked Duck is still on the north Balancing Lake in Craigavon. (Ed O'Hara).

A redhead Goosander was on the Glenarm River within the forest park. (Ian Enlander).

An adult Iceland Gull was by the wooden pier at the Bann Estuary. (John Spottiswood).

A 1st winter Little Gull was at Groomsport. (Richard Weyl).

An Iceland Gull was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Brian Douglas, Stephen Maxwell).

Two adult Mediterranean Gulls were on the lake in Hillsborough Forest. (Garry Wilkinson) 

Ring-necked Duck, Juliet Fleming.

Ring-necke4d Duck, Albert Boyle.

Bird News Wednesday 26th February 2025

Drake Ring-necked Duck still on north lake at Craigavon Lakes (Ed O’Hara).

35 Twite and 28 Purple Sandpipers at Portrush this morning (Sean Cronin).

Adult Iceland Gull and Mediterranean Gull at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve late morning (Gerard McGeehan).

2 Great White Egrets still at Portmore Lough (Jack Tynan).

Black Redstart still on beach behind Quay Lane (Ann Feltham).

Drake Smew still at Todd’s Corner, Ardmore though very distant and out of view for long periods (Jack Tynan).

Adult Ring-billed Gull still at Round O jetty, Enniskillen (Clive Mellon).

Ring-necked Duck, Ed O’Hara & Jack Tynan:

Great White Egrets, Jack Tynan:

Ring-billed Gull, Clive Mellon:

Bird News Tuesday 25th February 2025

 The male Ring-necked Duck was on the north balancing lake in Craigavon this morning. (David McCreedy).

An adult Iceland Gull is on Coleraine playing fields in the Crescent. (Stephen Riddell).

The male Smew was still at Todd's Corner, Ardmore on the south shore of Lough Neagh this morning. (David McCreedy).

The 2 Great White Egrets are at Portmore Lough. (Bob Watts).

A male Lesser Scaup and 3 Greater Scaup are at Portmore Lough though the former departed with Pochard and Tufted Duck c1230 (Bob Watts).

The Black Redstart is still at the Ropewalk in Killough. (Jim Wells).

Yesterday in Donegal 700 Barnacle Geese, a Pinkfoot, Merlin, Iceland Gull,  9 Great Northern Divers and a Great White Egret were around Malin Head, Malin and Inch. (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

Iceland Gull, Stephen Riddell.

Great White Egret, Richard Caves.

Bird News Monday 24th February 2025

2 female Goosander at Corbet Lake this morning (David McCreedy).

The adult Ring-billed Gull remains at the Round O at Enniskillen (Ronan Owens).

The drake Ring-necked Duck remains with the Pochard flock on the northern one of the Craigavon Lakes (Steven Farquhar).

2 Great White Egrets at Portmore Lough and Sand Martin late afternoon (Michael Latham / Steven Farquhar).

Chiffchaff singing at Clare Glen near Tandragee (Keith Bates /Julie Hillman).

Brambling at Oxford Island NNR (Albert Boyle).

1st winter male Lesser Scaup still at Lough Beg (David Steele).

Brambling, Albert Foyle:

Great White Egret, Michael Latham:

Bird News Sunday 23rd February 2025

Yesterday a Brambling was at Cregagh Wood. (Jonathan Cooke, John Mason).

5 + Yellowhammer in stubble field at Giant's Ring. Mobile around the very large field but often loosely associated with 25 chaffinches. Male brambling back at feeders on Ballynahatty Road. (Dave Allen).

The Pinkfoot was still at Reedy Flats.(Aaron Long).

The Great White Egret was on the pool below the viewing platform at Portmore. A Slavonian Grebe was on the Lough. (Garry Armstrong).

Several Yellowhammers were on Coach Road near Comber. (Michael Latham).

The male Ring-necked Duck was still on the south Balancing Lake, Craigavon. (Aaron Long).

The adult Iceland Gull was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve again. (Daniel Newton).

A Yellowhammer was visiting a garden in Larne. (Tim Davies)

Brambling, Jonathan Cooke. 

Ring-necked Duck,  Paul Hilton. 

Brambling, John Mason.

Bird News Saturday 22nd February 2025

Adult Iceland Gull at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve in the morning then in Belfast Lough at 11am but no sign of the Avocet (Aaron Long / Michael Latham / Declan Murphy / Gerry Lyons / Des Higgins).

Drake Ring-necked Duck still at Craigavon Lakes with Pochard (Daniel Newton).

Black Redstart still on beach below Quay Lane, Killough (Bob Watts).

Chiffchaff singing at Castle Espie (Aaron Long).

Pink- footed Goose close to shoreline at Reedy Flats "central", Derrycrow Road, Lough Neagh. Viewable from the Scots Pine trees. Also Merlin and Great White Egret (Clifford Sharpe / Michael Latham).

1st winter male Lesser Scaup Lough Beg (David Steele).

Ringtail Hen Harrier Portmore Lough (Declan Murphy / Des Higgins / Gerry Lyons).

Ring-necked Duck, Daniel Newton:

Merlin, Michael Latham:

Lesser Scaup, David Steele:

Black Redstart, Richard Caves:

Bird News Friday 21st February 2025

 The Avocet and the adult Iceland Gull were both at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Amy Minnis). A juvenile Iceland Gull was also present. (Des Swan).

The Black Redstart was still on the beach behind Quay Lane, Killough thisafternoon. (Ann Feltham).

There was no sign of the White-billed Diver in a couple of hours at Galboly this afternoon however single Black-throated, Great Northern and 20+ Red- throated Divers seen. Also c.15-20 Bottle-nosed Dolphins present inshore for a time and giving some excellent views. (David Steele).

A Brambling was in Cushendun. (Jonny Rosborough).

Avocet, Amy Minnis.

|Greenshank, Juliet Fleming.

Brambling, Jonny Rosborough.

Bird News Thursday 20th February 2025

Drake Ring-necked Duck on Craigavon South Lake with Pochard (Ed O’Hara / Robbie Hughes).

Adult Little Gull in the middle of Antrim town at a housing estate in Greenvale Road (Davy Hunter).

The adult Iceland Gull and Avocet were both at Belfast WoW Reserve until 245pm at least (Stuart McKee).

Great White Egret at Portmore Lough this afternoon (Richard Caves).

Ring-necked Duck, Ed O’Hara:

Great White Egret, Richard Caves:

Bird News Wednesday 19th February 2025

 The Avocet and the Iceland Gull were both at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Gerard McGeehan).

The Black Redstart is still at Killough. (Chris Murphy).

A Great White Egret was in a field with a number of herons on the Plumbridge Road, near St Eugene's Church just outside Newtownstewart. (Ben McCook). 

A 1st winter Mediterranean Gull was at Carnlough. (David Steele).

Bird News Tuesday 18th February 2025

The drake Ring-necked Duck is still at Craigavon Balancing Lakes with c40 Pochard (Ed O’Hara / Richard Caves).

Black Redstart still at Killough on beach below path (Theo Campbell / Martin Deehan).

Avocet still at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Stuart McKee).

140 Greenfinch went to roost at 1645 behind Downeshire Hospital, Ardglass Road (Chris Murphy).

Ring-necked Duck, Richard Caves:

Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group Conference 2025

 We are delighted to announce that booking is now open for the NIRSG Conference 2025, which will be held on Saturday 22nd February at the Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen. 

We have an exciting line-up of speakers covering local, national and international raptor ecology and conservation, including Dr Allan Mee speaking on his work with White-tailed Eagles, Dr Shane McPherson speaking about his work with Crowned Eagles and David Anderson speaking about his work with Ospreys. It is set to be a great day. 

 The conference fee is £30 and can be booked through the following link or by scanning the QR code below:

After booking please contact me via email ( to confirm your booking and provide any details of dietary requirements. 

 We look forward to seeing you there.

Islay Boat Trip

 There are two seats available for the boat trip to Islay on Saturday 1st March. There are currently 32,000 Barnacle Geese on the island plus good numbers of Sea Eagles, Chough and Twite'. Contact Jim Wells on 07856235144 for full details.

Bird News Monday 17th February 2025

 The Avocet was still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. A Mediterranean Gull was following the Stena ferry but there was no sign of the Iceland Gull. (Bob Watts).

A Black-necked Grebe and a Great White Egret were at Reedy Flats. (Clifford Sharpe).

A male Ring-necked Duck is on Craigavon Lakes. (Noreen Foster).

A Green Sandpiper was along River Maine at Slaght outside Ballymena this evening, two female Goosanders were also present. (David Steele).

Ring-necked Duck, Stephen Foster.

Bird News Sunday 16th February 2025

Adult Iceland Gull at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Michael Latham). Avocet again mid afternoon (Daniel Newton).

1st winter Glaucous Gull at Portstewart promenade this morning (Stephen & Donna Riddell).

Drake Red-crested Pochard still at Lurgan Park Lake (Steven Fyffe).

No sign of White-billed Diver 0930-1500 Galboly (Garry Armstrong et al).

Whimbrel still wintering on Rathlin also 8 Purple Sandpipers (Ric Else).

Glaucous Gull, Donna Riddell:

Iceland Gull, Michael Latham:

Bird News Saturday 15th February 2025

The Black Redstart was still at Portstewart this morning. (Stephen Riddell).

The Iceland Gull was off the back of the Stena Ferry into Belfast Harbour again. (Daniel Newton).

At least 14 purple sandpiper visible at the Portrush coastal zone. (Aaron Long).

The female Ring-necked Duck was still on Corbally Reservoir outside Portrush. (Aaron Long).

The male Smew was still at Todds Corner, Ardmore on the south shore of Lough Neagh. The Red-crested Pochard is still at Lurgan Park Lake. (Martin Deehan).

The Avocet is still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Daniel Newton/Jonny Clark).

The adult Ring-billed Gull was at the Round O in Enniskillen this morning. (Ronan Owens).

A Black Redstart was at New Quays carpark in Portavogie. (David Stirling).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Whitehouse Lagoon. (Ian Enlander).

Ring-billed Gull, Matthew Dean.

Iceland Gull, David McCreedy.

Avocet, Paul Hunter.

Bird News Friday 14th February 2025

The Avocet remains at Belfast RSPB WoW Reserve. Adult Iceland Gull flew onto reserve and still present 1121 at least then foraging behind ferry Belfast Harbour late afternoon (David McCreedy / Kevin Maguire / Stuart Cossey).

4 Great White Egrets, Spotted Redshank, 2 Ruff and 36 Pintail at Lough Beg (David Steele).

The leucistic Great Black-backed Gull is still at Ardglass Harbour (Chris Murphy).

Iceland Gull, David McCreedy:

Bird News Thursday 13th February 2025

The White-billed Diver was seen again close inshore from the layby at Galboly this afternoon. (David Steele). 

The Avocet was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve again this morning. (Laura Kerr).

The Black Redstart is still around the bandstand in Portstewart this morning. (John Spottiswood).

An adult Iceland Gull was feeding with Black-headed Gulls at the Stena terminal in Belfast Lough. (Dermot Hughes).

The Great White Egret was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Zach & Alastair Prentice).

White-billed Diver, David Steele.

Avocet, Laura Kerr.