Bird News Monday 26th August

2 Osprey again at the Bann Estuary (Dean Jones / Richard Gray). 3 Ospreys reported late afternoon (Garry Wilkinson).

Ruff and 2 Greenshank at Belfast Lough WoW but no sign of Hobby this morning (Michael Latham). 4 Ruff, 41 Dunlin, Knot, 12+ Bar-tailed Godwit late afternoon (Tom Ennis).

2 Swift Roe Park (Martin Deehan).

Late Swift over Portstewart (Chris Hamilton).

4 late Swifts over the Bann in Coleraine (Richard Gray).

2 Storm Petrels and a Swift off Burr Point near Ballyhalbert. Another 11 Storm Petrels off Ballyfrench Beach. 51 Mediterranean Gulls at Ratallagh, south of Portavogie and 2 Storm Petrels (Ivan Quail).

Single Whimbrel Ballymacormick Point (Bob Watts).

3 Red-throated Divers, 2 Whimbrel and 5 Pale-bellied Brent Geese at Kearney (Davis Stirling).

Great White Egret and 3+ Ruff at Church Island, Lough Beg. 4 pairs of Whooper Swan raised 7 cygnets with c50 non breeding adults (Chris Murphy).

Green Sandpiper and Greenshank at Blackstaff Creek, Dundrum Bay (Dermot Hughes).

Dark morph Arctic Skua and 2 Sanderling at Magilligan (Garry Wilkinson).

Greenshank, Terry Hanna:

Arctic Skua, Garry Wilkinson:

Osprey, Garry Wilkinson:

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