Bird News Sunday 25th August

Red Kite and Great Spotted Woodpecker in Larchfield near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson).

Arctic Skua at Portstewart this morning (Donna Riddell).

Arctic Skua, 8 Whimbrel and 2 Sanderling at Portrush East Strand this morning (Andrew Upton).

Osprey at the Bann Estuary this morning (Gerry Bond). The white darvic ringed Osprey yesterday was ringed at Spinning Dale on Dornoch Firth on the 23rd June 2012 as a female in a nest of two. Barring the Bann Estuary sightings last and this year the only other blighting was in Gambia on the 13th January 2020 (Gareth Platt).

2 Ruff, 3 Common Sandpipers, Knot and Sanderling at Belfast Lough WoW (Gerard McGeehan). Juvenile Hobby this evening hirundines then flew low over the reserve (Stuart McKee).

32 Storm Petrels from St John’s Point 1130-1430 (Aaron Long).

Arctic Skua, Donna Riddell:

Knot, Mervyn Guthrie:

Osprey, Gerry Bond:

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