The drake Smew was still at Drumgay Lough, Co. Fermanagh (Brad Robson)
The Richard's Pipit was seen again at Killard Point.
The Cattle Egret was seen returning to roost again at Hillsborough Lake,( I wonder were it feeds during the day?)
The flock of 40 Snow Bunting was still at the old landfill site along Hightown Road above Glengormley (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).
In south Down a male and a female Blackcap were at Murlough Nature Reserve (Tim Murphy).
A Pale-bellied Brent and 2 Pink-footed Geese were with Greylag and Whooper Swans in the fields between Portmore and Lough Neagh. The Marsh Harrier was still at Portmore Lough (Paul Toner).
eds during the day)
Three Twite were at Briggs Rocks and a Sandwich Tern at Sandeel Bay Co.Down.(R.Price)
A Woodcock flew across the A8 duel carriageway at Corr's Corner at 07.30 this morning.
(A McClure)
As you see from the list above there is a lot of good birds around at the moment.
Our thanks to Jeff Silvers who kindly sent in this image of a napping Curlew on Millisle beach.
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