Three Great Northern Diver were at the south end of Lough Beg (David Steele)
Dundrum Outer Bay, Co Down (between Tyrella and Murlough) had a drake Surf Scoter, c.4,500 Common Scoters, 108 Red-throated Divers, 11 Great Northern Divers and high counts of 126 Great Crested Grebes, 58 Red-breasted Mergansers and 44 Razorbills; Dundrum Inner Bay North had the Spotted Redshank and a high count of 37 Grey Plover. St John’s Point also had a high count of 60 Tree Sparrows (Chris Murphy)
An adult Mediterranean Gull was amongst the Black-headed Gulls on the pond at the Billy Neill Centre, Dundonald. It was coming into summer plumage and was a different bird to the winter adult seen there a few weeks ago (Chris Shaw)
A Barnacle Goose was with Brent Geese at Myroe (Martin Deehan)
Iceland Gull, John Clarke:
Red-throated Diver, Brian Redpath:

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