Bird News Wednesday 23rd October

 A single Slavonian Grebe was off Kinnegar shore in Belfast Lough, a Raven and several Sandwich Terns were also present. (Kevin Kirkham).

The Lesser Scaup and 2 Ring-necked Ducks were still at Lough Beg this afternoon. A flock of 14 Greenland Whitefronts flew south. (David Steele).

A 1st winter Little Gull was at Magilligan. (Stephen Riddell).

The Cattle Egret was still in the field opposite the end of the breakwater at Kinnegoe Marina, Oxford Island. (Richard Caves).

A female Lesser Scaup was at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough before flying off towards Whitehead. (Cameron Moore).

Female Lesser Scaup, Cameron Moore.

Cattle Egret, Richard Caves.

Twite, Juliet Fleming.

Purple Sandpipers, Juliet Fleming.

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