Bird News Friday 13th September

A female type Marsh Harrier was at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Ed O'Hara).

A Garden Warbler  and a single Whimbrel were on Copeland. (Thomas Miller et al).

A Curlew Sandpiper was in the channel at Myroe. (John Clarke).

Five Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Bob Watts).

A Great White Egret, 2 juvenile Arctic Terns, 2 Pinkfeet and 17 Ruff were at Lough Beg. (David Steele).

2 Arctic Terns were at Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Merlin was at Portmore this evening and a single Ruff at Lady Bay. 

Curlew Sandpiper, John Clarke.

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