Bird News Monday 9th September

Late news from yesterday of an hours seawatch from East Light, Rathlin yielding an adult Sabine’s Gull, 42 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas and an Arctic Tern (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Leach’s Petrel, Arctic Skua, Great Northern Diver and Red Kite flew past Mullaghboy, SE of Larne this morning. Yesterday 17 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas (Thomas Miller & Oxford University Group).

This afternoon and evening off Copeland highlights were single Pomarine and Arctic Skuas, Black-throated Diver and Whimbrel (Thomas Miller et al).

Arctic Skua at Magilligan this morning (Stephen Dunbar).

Falcon species possibly Eleonoras from moving car over the Brambles of Jordanstown heading towards Carrickfergus, in Kockagh/Woodburn direction reported at 1430. Bird sporting reddish trousers but observer considered too large for Hobby with long-winged appearance and flight style less dashing and more reminiscent of a skua (Kevin Rice).

Juvenile Wood Sandpiper feeding actively on the mud at far side from the hide at Quoile Pondage, also 2/3 Ruff and a Common Sandpiper (David Nixon).

11 Whimbrel flew over Bangor, close to Brompton Bay at 3pm (Sean Wensley).

3 Ruff at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve (Nathan Gilbert).

10+ Sooty Shearwaters, Great Skua and Great Northern Diver off Rathlin this morning (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

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