Bird News Monday 29th July

Pectoral Sandpiper still at Myroe Levels (John Clarke).

Adult and juvenile Kestrel on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

3 Arctic Skuas at Magilligan this morning (Donna & Stephen Riddell).

4 Crossbills at Aghmakane Wood, Co Armagh (John Spottiswood).

4 Great Spotted Woodpeckers including at least one juvenile near Fofanny Dam in the Mournes (Chris Acheson).

Adult summer plumaged Bonaparte’s Gull Carnfunnock Bay, Larne (Neal Warnock).

2 Kestrels riding the thermals at Murlough Bay late Sunday evening (Carolyn Magowan).

Bonaparte’s Gull, Neal Warnock:

Pectoral Sandpiper, Mervyn Guthrie (1), John Clarke (2-4):

Arctic Skuas, Stephen Riddell:

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