Bird News Sunday 21st July

The Osprey remains at Portmore Lough RSPB (Ryan Holgate). Still present early afternoon (Wilton Farrelly).

An unseasonal Pale-bellied Brent Goose at the Barmouth this morning (Dean Jones).

2 adult Little Gull and 2 Stock Dove at Lady Bay (Wilton Farrelly). A single Common Sandpiper (Richard Caves).

2 Whimbrel Bar Hall Bay. 2+ Whimbrel heard Templecooey. Whimbrel & Common Sandpiper Kearney (Bob Watts).

Single Common Sandpiper on Muck Island and probable dark phase Arctic Skua distantly beyond Muck Island (Aaron Long).

A Whimbrel, Carrion Crow and 2 Carrion Crow x Hooded Crow hybrids at Ardglass, another Carrion Crow at Coney Island (Dave Weir).

Kestrel at Holywood train station (Paula Campbell).

Kestrel at junction of Ballycreen and Ballynahinch Roads (Garry Wilkinson).

Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Dean Jones:

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