Bird News Wednesday 24th July

The two adult Little Gulls were again at Lady’s Bay, Lough Neagh, this morning (Aaron Long)

The Osprey is still present at RSPB Portmore Lough this morning (Aaron Long)

A juvenile Cuckoo was at Kearney this morning (Dermot Hughes)

One or two Leaches Petrel were heard during the night near Glenarm (Kevin Rice)

The dark morph Arctic Skua was still around Muck island. (Kevin Kirkham)

At least 2 Wilsons Storm Petrels, 2 Great Skua, c. 10 Sooty Shearwater, 3 Little Tern, 50 or so Arctic Tern and 100's of European Storm Petrel were seen on a pelagic 12 miles nw of Tory today. (Robert Vaughan / Bob Watts)

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