Report sightings to: Email nibirds@live.co.uk, Text: 07973 403 146 or 07870 863 782 or Twitter: @nibirds See local bird pics at: www.nibirdpics.blogspot.co.uk
Cyprus News and Tern Picture!
Its been a few days but Dave and Orcilla are still adding birds to the list. New goodys today include Eastern Orphean Warbler, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Black Wheatear and Roller. We haven't any pictures of any of them but we do have a wonderful picture of Arctic Terns taken by Ian Dickey. Ive also slipped in another picture of a seagull taken by Stephen Foster. Because Stephen found the gorgeous creature we will post any pictures he sends us! We have decided to throw in a free bottle of Blue Nun for our latest competition.