Laughing Gull - 2nd summer still present at Marina Ballycastle Co.Antrim
I am out early tonight as well to try and win the £3000 jackpot at the Rollerdrome Bingo, its probably the only way members will get their copy of the bird reports. Should be in with a very good chance as i am bringing my lucky seagulls foot. If i don't win we will have to increase membershps to £50 per year which will still be very good value.
Anyway there are no seagulls in the Bahamas so i don't care. Possibly the only gull he could see while he is there is this one pictured above! I knew i could slip in another image of the Laughing Gull while he was away!! The editing of this blog is seamless. Expect more images of the dark backed black headed gull this weekend, thats if its still about, what with the delights of Ballycastle fast food outlets why would it go anywhere else?
Now it's the weekend it's either time for a beer....
.....or a gallon of wine!
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